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讲座 | 智能管理交叉学科系列讲座(第24期)

发布时间:2024-09-14来源: 浏览次数:

讲座题目:《Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain Management》

主讲嘉宾:陈实 长聘副教授




讲座摘要:Sustainability and resiliency in supply chain management (SCM) have gained significant attention from operations management (OM) researchers and practitioners. In this presentation, we discuss recent advancement in these important areas of SCM, with a focus on two research projects. In the first working paper, “collective renewable power purchase agreements (PPA),” We build Nash bargaining-based economic models to compare common risk-sharing mechanisms for corporate buyers to sign PPA contracts: separate negotiation, agent-based negotiation, and joint negotiation. Our analysis reveals conflicted economic interests among stakeholders and identifies negotiation mechanisms that result in the greatest renewable project investment. In the second working paper, “supply chain profitability and resilience under diffusion of disruption risks,” we offer novel insights into achieving supply chain resilience while balancing the firm's profitability objectives. Our model allows a firm to procure from a primary supplier and a backup supplier. Disruptions may impact the suppliers at different times, causing them to cease supply temporarily. To mitigate disruption effects, the firm maintains safety stock and reserves backup production capacity during normal operations before any disruption occurs. Comparative analysis reveals that proactive approaches significantly improve both profitability and resilience compared to reactive strategies.

嘉宾简介:Shi Chen is the Marion B. Ingersoll Professor and an Associate Professor of Operations Management at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington in Seattle. He holds a B.E. and M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Tsinghua University and a Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University. Dr. Chen’s research interests encompass supply chain and inventory management, social responsibility and sustainability, as well as innovative business models, including operations management for the cloud computing and renewable energy industries. He serves as a senior editor for the POM journal and as an associate editor for the MSOM journal.
