讲座题目:《The Economics of Waste Valorizatio》
主讲嘉宾:王钟彬 教授
讲座主持:王金亭 教授
讲座摘要:As the spread of waste imposes substantial environmental and economic burdens, a newer operational strategy--waste valorization--is gaining attention. This approach transforms production-generated byproduct waste into valuable, distinct products, creating unpredictable production and demand interdependencies that traditional strategies like remanufacturing and coproduction cannot fully capture. In this study, we examine the impacts of these interdependencies within a two-stage stochastic production decision model to determine optimal production quantities under waste valorization. Our findings reveal that a higher waste valorization rate does not always benefit the manufacturer. When product demands are uncorrelated, the manufacturer's optimal profit follows a unimodal distribution relative to the valorization rate, with maximum profit achieved at a moderate valorization rate that maintains a perfect balance in production. Conversely, when product demands are correlated, the manufacturer employs a ``pull-to-center" strategy, using randomized pooling policies to smooth production quantities and minimize disparities with respect to the valorization rate. Surprisingly, as demand randomness or correlation intensifies, the profit distribution becomes bimodal, with profit maximum shifting toward either low or high valorization rates, a pattern we term ``go-to-extreme." Moreover, while waste valorization can yield both economic and environmental benefits, we caution that a more efficient waste valorization process may lead to negative outcomes for both the manufacturer and the environment. This analysis not only sheds light on how waste valorization contributes to waste reduction and economic value but also provides critical insights for multi-product, multi-stage decision-making.